Iridology is a screening diagnostic method for finding orientation, confirming history, predicting and monitoring. Typically, the result is a referral for in-depth clinical diagnosis and a list of recommendations for further action.

Iris  is a direct reflection of the human nervous system, and that projects all systems and organs of the body. This method has long been known (papyrus El Aqsa, Tibetan and Chinese sources), they left a lot of descriptions of diagnostics on the eyes.
Modern iridology began with a Hungarian doctor Ignaz Peczeli (1826-1907).
Huge impact on iridology and iridodiagnostics had professor E.S.Velhover.

The method iridodiagnostics

Iris can be seen as an extended front screen of the brain. The pathology of an organ in the iris, like a map, some changes will come in the first place - in the form of redistribution of pigment.
There are some modern maps of the projections of organs and systems in the iris (Angerer, Gunter, Jensen, Roberts, Velhover and others).

Here's an example map projections by Bernard Jensen, DC, Ph.D.

iridology chart large2

In the course of life, and also because of an illness of the iris texture changes. Usually, the older the person, and the more he suffered, the more changes has his iris.


illustration of the inflammatory process in stages (R.Bourdiol)

Currently, the development of digital macro photography and modern software enables us to work with great precision.

It allows you to quickly make an initial assessment of the body and the state of its systems with a fairly accurate detail. This is a useful and accurate tool for predicting the development of the disease and track changes in the condition of the body. Iridology is indispensable to develop an individual treatment strategy.

However, this method should not be the only one, in the case of changes necessary to continue testing clinic and laboratory methods.

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