I have been doing manual medicine for a long time, which includes chiropractic and manual therapy and a lot of national methods of working with the body.

Now my own interest in this area is focused on osteopathy, as in my opinion this is the most integral and harmonious idea of ​​the human body. Osteopathy is largely self-sufficient, and in my perception it very harmoniously merges with the ideas of classical Chinese medicine and Qi-Gong, filling in those open theoretical questions that need interpretation and are not precisely defined in the coordinate system of Western medicine.

I do not call myself an osteopath, but I constantly study this topic, and I apply the methods in addition to everything that I did before. Fortunately, I have a wonderful source of information and a talented teacher-consultant in this area, so everything is interesting and I hope effectively.

Continuous study and our own research is a way of life that provides me with a continuous flow of relevant information. Life in this stream is not easy and very interesting. I wish you all the same.

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